Rabu, 27 April 2011

Maroon 5 Setlist

Setlist yang "kebagian" :
  2. The 9th song: SHE WILL BE LOVED
  3. The 10th song: WAKE UP CALL
  4. The 11th song: SHIVER
  5. The 12th song: STUTTER
  6. The 13th song: THIS LOVE
  7. The 14th song: HANDS ALL OVER
  8. The 15th song: MAKES ME WONDER
  9. And the last song is SUNDAY MORNING
Setlist yang "gak kebagian" :
  1. First song: MISERY
  2. The second song: IF I NEVER SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN
  3. The third song: HARDER TO BREATHE
  4. The fourth song: GIVE A LITTLE MORE
  5. The fifth song: THE SUN (BILLY JEAN)
  6. The sixth song: WON'T GO HOME WITHOUT YOU
Lagu "antara" : lagi OTW masuk ISTORA SENAYAN sambil cari tempat yang PW
  1. The seventh song: NEVER GONNA LEAVE THIS BED

Senin, 25 April 2011



How can I know what inside your head?

How can I feel what inside your heart?

If you never tell me what..................

I can guess but maybe you just playing disguise........

Should I stay and wait until you said it?

Because everybody thought that I'm hallucinating

Should I wait until they autopsy your heart

....so they can find my name written on it....

So they will believe me?

And set me free from the charges

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Always ended with the same disappointment........
I shouldn't say a thing about it..................................
I should keep my mouth shut....................................
And the end it's just a feeling that I have though.................

Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Easter Miracle

Miracle not always come in a Majestic form.
Sometimes it come in a tiny "piece a cake" form that sometimes you just dont realize that it is a miracle indeed.

On Good Friday I had a heavy cough that will interrupt the process of supper sacrament on the table, but the cough suddenly dissapear during my part to take the sacrament. That last for +/- 8 minutes. When I get back to my seat, the cough start again. Wow...what an 8 minutes miracle. So we can keep the sacrament in silence process to take the time in prayer.

Today on easter....the cough dissapear once more during my play in drama......
I get back home and the cough start again. At least it didn't bother me when I'm on my role.

Another tiny,but precious miracle to me. And by the way, the cough is the one that being my "alarm" to awake from my sleep....it would be terrible if i'm late and skip the drama......

So thank God for my cough.
Learn to see things in positive way :-)

Thank God for everything.
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hitRECord - Embrace The Rainbow

Aaaaaa.......dancing like krazzyyy.....

Another Wirrow recommendation plus comment.......

Ok....im truly roll on the bed like crazy then fell down to the floor and roll again...hahahaha -meaning : excited to the max!-
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Jumat, 22 April 2011

The recommendation

hitRECord - The Birth of Love - The Reading

OMG...my reading recommended by 2 of my favourite artists on hitRECord! Matt Conley and Wirrow !!!

Roll on my bed like craaaaaazzzzhhhhyyyyy.....haha hahaha.....
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Wirrow - Hitrecord

Here's the thing......!!!!

OMG...Wirrow "heart" my anti-gravity writing!!!!
The famous Wirrow from HitRECord....

I'm jumpin' from my seat!!!!
So excited...

Thanks for the "heart" - it means a lot ;-)

Senin, 18 April 2011

Matt Conley - HitRECord

Matt Conley give me a compliment and I'm flattered. Thank you :)

He said :

8. "The Old Prince - The Reading" (dcsweet) - Some of my favorite audio recordings on the site are those that are muffled, distorted, or simply rough around the edges. I think there are so many interesting things about a dusty audio recording, especially one that's a reading or voice over. Here dcsweet has done a reading of InkedCanvas's "the old prince" on her cell phone, and the result is utterly fascinating. There's a lot of background ambiance and even some kind of lulabye-sounding tune as well. At times the words are difficult to fully understand, but I found it so powerful and unique. This would be quite the addition to an abstract REmix of "the old prince."

fenomena MAGNUM CAFE

Kemarin......17 April 2011,

Menemukan fakta yang "menakjubkan" tentang MAGNUM CAFE yang terletak di Lt. 5 Grand Indonesia.......

OMG....antriannya menggilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........
Bayangkan saja....saya menghabiskan waktu hampir 1,5 jam untuk bisa masuk cafe ini......
(dan setelah saya...masih ada sejibun antrian berikutnya...weleh-weleh)
Saya bisa membayangkan...apa iya antrian tiket Maroon 5 sampai seperti ini..??
Tapi itu ketahuan ada artisnya.....ini.....es krim.....ya ampuuunn antrian sampai segitunya?????

Demi memenuhi rasa penasaran.....kami berempat pantang menyerah.
Antri pokoknya harus dapet bisa masuk sini.......
Sambil mengantri........ada percakapan di antara antrian yang terdengar : "kalo hari biasa antriannya juga kayak gini loh"...
Dueeeerrrr...another "ketakjuban"

Hadeuuuhh susyahnyaaa buat masuk cafe ini......
Hebat euuyyyy konsep yang dibuat
SALUT..sampai bisa menarik massa yang banyak.....
(tetep gak habis pikir..tuing tuing...mata muter-muter)

TKP antrian :

Kamis, 14 April 2011

What I Feel

Cara lo menyalurkan emosi?
Sebenernya paling enak kalo ngebut.......bener2 releave..kena terpaan angin,otak lega...gak usah teriak keras2 karena emosinya udah kebawa angin...hahaa itu kalo mau belajar gila....
Tapi consider im not a good driver,
Gw masih inget ada yang nunggu di rumah,gak mau membahayakan pengguna jalan lainnya...jd ya speednya masih so n so-lah...n kalo pas lengang aja.hahaha

At least i feel free for a while.....
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1. What's been running around in your thoughts?

HANSON HANSON HANSON................................
Esp. Issac Hanson...don't know why esp.when I found this pic today...and I said.."OMIGOT......where have I been all this long???hahaha. He is soooooo cute"

2.Longing for Maroon 5 concert?

6 years Maaaannn....almost willing to do anything a few months ago to get their ticket..but now just less than 2 weeks they will perform at Jakarta but....
I just can't leave my Winamp list without playing HANSON's songs......
CRAZIIIIII for HANSON..won't you save me???????

3.FANSON already dying to watch their concert......SO DAMN MUCH

4.Bla bla bla babling for the injustice treatment..........so itch wanna scratch arrrggghhhhh don't care if it gonna leave a scar-mark

5.If I babling to you...then I trust you...............................hahahaha....get ready to suffer for my babling...(sorry that I trust you :P )

Minggu, 10 April 2011

Hoping and Trusting

Berharap dan percaya.........

Orang yang "bukti otentik" atau berpikir based on fully committed to ratio :
Mana hasilnya?
Mana buktinya?
Bodoh menanti sesuatu yang gak pasti
Apa iya keadaannya akan berubah?
Kapan? Bagaimana kalo end up-nya sama aja?
Sungguh penantian yang sia-sia.....
Akhir kata gaya anak-anak jaman sekarang : "Huffftttt....."

Orang yang mencoba untuk percaya dan masih berharap :
Hasilnya? Sedang diupayakan....
Sampai kapan? Ya liat aja nanti....ini juga lagi diusahain kok.
Apa iya keadaannya akan berubah? Saya sih berharapnya begitu...dan masih terus berharap sih sejauh ini.
Bagaimana kalau end up-nya sama aja? Ya kita liat aja nanti (kemudian lagi-lagi mengatakan...) Namanya juga lagi diusahain...sabar aja......

Penantian yang sia-siakah? Gak juga....namanya juga berharap dan masih percaya.....ya gambling dikitlah......dare to wait for the wanted result..kalau toh end up bagus kan penantiannya gak percuma...kalau gak sesuai keinginan..ya diusahakan lagi..kan masih ada plan B..(hahhaaha...tetep masih percaya dan berharap)

"balada percaya dan berharap" ala "FAQ" deasy christina....

hope u enjoy and get the implicit meaning friends :)

Sabtu, 09 April 2011


I know I will survive.
Not this time, nor this moment.
But I know someday I will.

And I never want the world to see me.
I just want to appear in your eyes.
But when everything seems to be seen able, why I left to be invisible?

You’re the closest reality of heaven for me, but you choose to be my misery.

And I don’t want to force this feelings, I keep wishing it would disappear.
But I try, and I cry, and I still try.
All I’ve got that you still stuck in my heart.

Inspired by: Iris/Goo Goo Dolls – Ost. City of Angels
Written: 25th January 2003

Jumat, 01 April 2011

Obat Ginjal/ Cuci Darah

DISCLAIMER : Ini adalah pengalaman pribadi. Saya sama sekali bukan ahli medis, maka utk pertanggungjawaban secara klinis saya tidak kompeten...