Minggu, 13 Mei 2012

Ed Sheeran

Yes I'm in love with this guy and his music.
Cold Coffee-nya somehow membawa saya somewhere between reality and imaginary world.
Yes...it reminds me of my childhood - me and my imaginary world, where I can be as what I wanted to be. Bersama siapapun yang saya inginkan - creating things that didn't always exist in the real world.
Just me, my world, and my imaginary Prince :)

I love you Ed Sheeran :)

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

First Cut

Sherly Crow pernah menyanyikan sebuah lagu berjudul : First Cut is The Deepest.

Buat saya...ada benarnya juga.
Bukan cuman ecek-ecek "stupid love song" - yeep it cut so deep you just cannot forget the wound easily.
Lalu apakah yang dibawa luka itu?

Luka itu membawa cerita,
luka itu membawa amarah,
luka itu membawa kenangan,
luka itu juga membawa kreativitas..hahaha
Yes....at least that what happened to me.....
So I actually learning to love my wound.
Though it's hard to do - but in some point, I thankful that it happened.
Sebuah hukum sebab-akibat yang sedang saya tuai kebaikannya.
Sambil terus digelayuti tanda tanya (kadang-kadang) akan semua apa yang saya rasakan 
dan kemungkinan bahwa semua itu mungkin hanya bagian dari khayalan tingkat tinggi saya :p
Saya ingin berpijak pada kata "Terima Kasih"
You made me as who I am.
Saya lengkap dengan proses luka dan kesembuhan saya.
Saya belajar dan masih terus belajar.
Though the wound still there, I'm just hoping it would not be as hurt as the old days.


The boy with the bread has captivate my heart :) 

Payphone for Just a Feeling

If happy ever after did exist
I would still be holding you like this
But then again...I guess
It's just a feeling....
Just a feeling
Just a feeling that I have