Kamis, 11 September 2014

Guardian of The Galaxy

What is so awesome about this GotG?

For me....definitely is the mix tape baby!!!!
How Peter so proud about it (the fact it is from his beloved late mother of course)...dance with it...and play it with a walkman - is so indescribably awesome (for me as a 90s generation). It's like turning back time and brought back the memories when I was a kid.

And...besides that fact..I also catches a glimpse sight of Brendan Fehr....again...one of the 90s teenage girls crush from Rosewell series that end up only as a figurant actor a.k.a one of the guard that busted Peter. Well life is cruel yes it is! He is very well known back then... But now...I can't hardly seen him in only 5 minutes duration (I caught him as a figurant in X-Men first class also).

And....one thing to talk about also in GotG is Lee Pace..yup baby...even though he covered up all in blue body and black "oversized" eyeliner or whatever it is..plus black teeth (Oh dear Lee..haven't you brushed your teeth since being a vampire *Breaking Dawn throwback*?)....I couldn't hide my excitement that I can recognized him soonest I saw him on his 1st scene! As Ronan - fyi...his name is mutual to my first crush on music industry...yeep...it's Ronan Keating from Boyzone..again...one of the popular 90s boyband back then.

So....it's all related to 90s...
GotG give me a flash back to many memories I had.

Definitely fun to watched :)

Jumat, 05 September 2014


Todays outfit :
Polkadot dress combined with a hand knitted vest. Earring : white.
Make up : white eyeshadow + orange blush on + orange combined with chocolate lipstick. Voila.....it's me today :)

Rabu, 03 September 2014


Beli rompi rajutan :)
Dapat banyak bonus, termasuk doa sang penjual. Semoga kita bisa sering bertemu ya nek ;)

Obat Ginjal/ Cuci Darah

DISCLAIMER : Ini adalah pengalaman pribadi. Saya sama sekali bukan ahli medis, maka utk pertanggungjawaban secara klinis saya tidak kompeten...