Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Against The World

They said that you are no good for me.....
That I should have a better person next to me.....

But here we are....
Still together and standing still - holding on to each other.
Try to bond our relationship more and more....

Maybe sometimes I have doubt in the heart......
A question that lead to : should I stay or should I go?
But I still have my faith and love for you.

This is our struggle.....
I have turn my back against the world - yesterday- for you.....
And have no plan yet to turn it around against you.....

I wanna struggle for love.....
And I want you to stay and struggle with me......
Us against the world.......Us against their doubt......


Why everyone seems to doubt me?

My ability to get attach to you?

It is about me and you.

The other matter - I will try to solve with my own way….

Just to fix things before I get back again and again at you door.

So at the end of the day….there will be only you and me :)

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011


Tuhan memanggil setiap orang untuk kembali ke jalur yang telah ditetapkan-Nya dengan cara yang berbeda-beda.

Kadang dengan cara yang lembut, tapi terkadang dengan cara yang sangat keras.

Untuk memahaminya terkadang diperlukan waktu seumur hidup.
Tapi sebenarnya - intinya adalah :

HE just want the best for us. If you don't find your best one nowadays, don't stop believing that the best is yet to come......

God bless you :)


Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Something's Missing

I'm not alone, I wish I was.
Cause then I'd know, I was down because

I couldn't find, a friend around
To love me like, they do right now.

They do right now.

I'm dizzy from the shopping malls
I searched for joy, but I bought it all

It doesn't help the hunger pains

and a thirst I'd have to drown first to ever satiate

Something's missing

And I don't know how to fix it

something's missing
And I don't know what it is
At all

When autumn comes,
it doesnt ask.
It just walks in,
where it left you last.

And you never know, when it starts

Until there's fog inside the glass around your summer heart:

Something's missing

And I don't know how to fix it
something's missing

And I don't know what it is

At all

I can't be sure that this state of mind,
is not of my own design
I wish there was an over the counter test, for loneliness.
For loneliness like this.

Something's missing
And I don't know how to fix it
Something's missing
And I don't know what it is

No I don't know what it is

Something's different
And i don't know what it is
No I don't know what it is

Friends -check-
Money -check-

A well slept -check-
Opposite sex -check-
Guitar -check-
Microphone -check-
Messages waiting for me, when i come home
How come everything I think I need, always comes with batteries
What do you think it means
How come everything I think I need,
always comes with batteries
What do you think it means


Senin, 10 Januari 2011

I Miss U

Here I am.....
Sit in a quiet corner....thinking of u
No matter how hard I try to get rid of u.....
your image just seems to have a contagious virus that affect the program inside my head.
I try to erase it...but it getting stronger time to time....

should I ask for re installation?

I miss u like mad....
It's like I can see u every time I move.
In every corner of my eyes....in every inch of my brain.

I want to runaway.....as far as my step can take me to
But I guess somehow your gravity pull me back to u....
Then I find my self running backward.....
Such a funny fact to think of....

I miss u like mad...and I guess u already driving me mad literally....

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

The Battle of Forgetting

There's a girl sitting next to the window in the pouring rain

and she is crying with the rain

the sun cannot touch her silky skin to get her warm

only thinking about him can make her warm...deep within...

while he - the one she longing for the whole winter - is no where to be found.

only a memory that sleep in the corner of her mind - is where she can find him

as if he sit next close to her.....giving her the warmest embrace ever

she missed him so much....

as strong as her heartbeat

and she knows she can only see him from the distance

as far as her memory can run after her beloved

she have to get rid of his illusion, she needs distraction

"can the moon and the rain would be my distraction?" she said

or the shore maybe....where the wave roll that can wipe away all of his image from her head

but yes...I can do this! ...and always will be forever battle

but yes...I can do this!

I will fight until my one last breath.....to forget you...even it might took forever

and forever...you will be my sweet distraction

....Forever Darling........

written by Merlany Dhisa & Christin Salawane

Jan 10th, 2011

3.15 - 3.51 pm

Jakarta - Sangatta

Summer Girl and The Power of Mind

Day dreaming is beautiful.
So the girl lay her body on the prairie......

Taking a deep breath of fresh air.

Looking for comfort in her own way of SOLITUDE.
The grass is softer than the wool carpet (she think)

The summer heat is warmer than the hug of a lover (she think)

The solitude and her day dreaming can built anything as her desire wants.

And that the best thing and the cheapest thing can be made rather than taking a long trip of vacation to spent the summer holiday.


Tau apa yang sedang menjadi Phobia saya di usia ke-26 ini?

Pertanyaan tetek-bengek soal pernikahan.
Arrrggggghhhhh... lagi mabok berat gara-gara banjir pertanyaan n berita-berita selentingan that I don't even plan yet by my self.....

Kalo kayak gini rasanya pengen jadi anak SD aja lagi dech...hahahha

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011


Ketika masa lalu adalah bayangan... Terkadang bayangan itu terasa begitu menyejukkan ditengah teriknya panas matahari.

Kemudian yang ingin kita lakukan adalah bernaung dibawahnya.
Bahkan kadang sembari terlelap ketika angin berhembus semilir.

Tapi bayang-bayang dapat pudar kapan saja,
atau bahkan berubah arah meninggalkan kita. Karena ia adalah ketidakpastian yang nyata...
Ia ada...di setiap objek yang berupa.

Akankah kita tetap bertahan dalam ketidakpastian?

Mencoba tetap bernaung dalam sesuatu yang bisa pergi kapan saja?

Jawabnya aku pun tidak tahu...

Sebab acap ia begitu teduh,
sampai berat rasanya kaki ini untuk beranjak jauh.

Tapi kepintaran nalar dalam kebodohan naluri ini seakan tahu...

bahwa untuk bertahan akan ada sakit yang harus diemban.
Sesuatu yang begitu dilematis - terjebak dalam askese hati dan perasaan.
Akankah engkau bertahan atau memilih pergi?

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

About LOVE Quiz


Seperti Radit dan Jani, Anda dan pasangan melakukan segala sesuatunya secara spontan. Saat punya uang lebih misalnya, Anda berdua lebih suka menghabiskannya buat bersenang-senang. Uniknya, Anda dan pasangan hanya butuh sedikit waktu untuk berbaikan meski sebelumnya bertengkar hebat.

Obat Ginjal/ Cuci Darah

DISCLAIMER : Ini adalah pengalaman pribadi. Saya sama sekali bukan ahli medis, maka utk pertanggungjawaban secara klinis saya tidak kompeten...