Selasa, 14 April 2015

Diana Rikasari

Diana Rikasari is my favourite blogger and enterpreneur. Why???

Because she's so colorful.
Because she already donate to unfortunate children that needs education loooooong before UP is as big as these days.
Because she's anything but ordinary.
Because she dare to be different.
Because she keeps the spirit of a child through her cheerness but has a grown ups way of thinking in developing business.

And what's more important when it comes to matter how's the product selling diagram....she will never broke.
Because the MAIN BRAND is HERSELF.......

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My Attitude ≠ Your Attitude Towards Me

Amsal 24 : 29 Janganlah berkata: "Sebagaimana ia memperlakukan aku, demikian kuperlakukan dia. Aku membalas orang menurut p...