Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

Forever Love

manusia punya forever love?
some of them......
....Met their soulmate until death do them apart.
But some......ended being alone....wondering if they had missed the one they love in their love journey.
Just because they don't realize the one for them were right in front of their eyes for a long time...
and when they suddenly realize.......that "one" already left them behind.
Not because they not love them anymore, just because sometimes they are just too tired to wait..or along came a better chance for them to get some love and affection from other person.
So...please people......be alert of the love surround you. Do not have regret in the future.
For me....forever love is always exist, but the problem is....are you end your life with your forever love companying you through happiness and sadness?
Or you end up your life regreting with realizing...you have waste your chance to be with your forever love?
Please.......think of it.....so you won't be the last person I describe above.......

1 komentar:

  1. well...i am alert (sometimes) but the only thing I cannot believe was...there was someone have feeling for me...and that always amaze me! It's like 'wow' ..i can't believe this!! and that kinda thoughts drove me into a bad response to them..

    well...i guess we are waiting for that forever love..coz me too!!


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