Rabu, 28 November 2012


So this is it.......
The time has arrive......
To say and do....our separate ways....

It is not easy.....it’s never been since the beginning...
But I want to try to set my self free............
Free from a long waiting and tears.............

Nobody said it will be a dry goodbye...........
Because it will bring tears definitely............
But I’m willing to try, for a new beginning.....for me.

Yes I am afraid for what lies ahead.............
But at least I try...........................................

Maybe it’s you I will meet ahead.................
Maybe someone new..................................
I never know..............................................

But for this time being, a ‘bye’ is my cure....
I don’t expect you to understand.................
I just want to walk my way alone, for now...
I hope we'll meet again in the future..............

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