Senin, 29 November 2010

Standing Still

Is it an awesome achievement when you standing still from others who fail a winner.......?
But the fact are the one that last...but left alone?
Will it be your highest achievement?
or your highest grief of being all alone?

Jumat, 26 November 2010

Dear Mom

Maybe I’m not a good child
Maybe I put a lot tears in your eyes
I don’t do what you told me to do

Dear Mom.............
Maybe you cry and pray in your room
Just hoping I can be a good child
That I can be a good student
That I arrive at home safely

Dear Mom.............
Maybe you will never read this,
But I still wanna say it………………
That I’m sorry if I cannot be as you wanted me to be
I love you Mom……………………………………………..
Wherever you are……………

Rabu, 24 November 2010

4 Seasons Love Story

Dear Summer…..

Once I had a relationship with the sweetest teenage girl, I’ve ever met for my whole life.
When she smile………I can feel the warmth of summer.
As if the sunshine it self shine only for me….just for me.

She always longing for me………
even just for a second when I stepped into the train for the next six month.

Dear Fall……

When the season turns to curtain falls of thousand leaves………….
Somehow, our relationship also falls apart.

This is not what I want; I never want to put a raindrop into her beautiful eyes.
All I want to give is the best for her………
Even when the best comes by letting her go……..

Dear Winter……………..

The world seems so cold without her smile………….
My sunshine now belongs to someone else………….
I hope he take care of her light………………………
So it will never falter………………………………..
But shine more than ever……………………………
Enough for me to see her light from far away…and knowing that she’ll be OK.

Dear Spring………………..

Please help me get through another season,
Because I have to move on………………..
With or without her.
But one thing remain, I’ll never forget her warmth smile for the rest of my life.
Thank you for letting me has 7 times of 4 seasons with my sunshine lady.
What a bless………………….

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Alamat blog lama

kontennya rata-rata sama kok. Udah di-re-post lagi di blog ini. Tapi sebagai kenangan saya taruh lagi link-nya di sini. Enjoy :)


Smile, cause u live today
Smile, coz life is a gift
Smile, coz life is expensive, and u got it for free
It's just like winning a lotere
but remember still, that u got it for free
without spending any money is precious,
Keep it well, use it wisely.
Don't ever throw it away,
or feel sorry for havin' it,
Coz u'll never know the adventure
until u have it on ur own, yeah...that's what life
is all about

And keep on that beautiful smile on ur face,
coz u know somethin'?

Deasy Christina
05 February 2005

Senin, 22 November 2010


Oleh : Deasy

Kalau Buruan Cium Gue itu satu ciuman sejuta resenya, yang satu ini lain lagi ceritanya. Satu permintaan maaf aja sejuta resenya. Bayangin aja, udah seminggu ini Karin udah nggak ngomong sama si Rika, sahabat karibnya. Gara-garanya sih, si Rika lagi deket sama Mira, anak baru di kelas 2 B SMU 23, kelas yang sama dengan Karin dan Rika itu. Kedekatan itu membuat Karin sebel karena dirinya merasa dicuekin sama Rika.

“Udah lagi Rin, lo ngomong aja deh duluan. Sampe kapan lo mau diem-dieman terus sama Rika?” bujuk Vira. “Ih tengsin dong Vir kalo gue gw duluan yang ngomong! Lagian, yang salah khan si Rika. Masak, mentang-mentang ada temen baru, eh temen lama seenaknya aja dilupain. Sahabat macam apa tuh?” sungut Karin. “Udah deh, akuin aja kalo sebenernya lo itu cemburu khan, si Rika punya temen baru.” Timpal Noral. “Cemburu? Sama si mira yang sok cantik dan sok tajir itu? Nggak bakal deh!”

“Hai Karin!” tegur Mira ketika mereka bertemu di kantin sekolah saat jam istirahat. “Eh, Mira.” Jawab Karin kecut. Apalagi kedatangan Mira ke kantin bakmie bu Rahmat itu juga disertai Rika, tambah kecut deh mukanya si Karin. “Halo Rin.” sapa Rika pula. “Hm.” Karin membalasnya dengan ogah-ogahan. “Karin, datang ya ke ultahku hari Sabtu nanti.” Undang mira. ‘Iih, nih anak dijutekin nggak nyadar amat sih. Malah sok baik lagi.’ batin Karin. ‘Huh, pasti mau pamer lagi deh dengan acara ultah yang meriah. Dasar tipe anak orkay yang manja.’ Umpat Karin dalam hati. “Iya Rin, sekalian kamu sama aku jadi panitia acaranya.” Ajak Rika. “Aduh, gak tau deh. Kayaknya Sabtu ini aku ada acara.” Karin berusaha menghindar. “Wah, saying banget dong Rin. Kalo kamu ikut khan lumayan tuh buat pahala. Mira khan mau ngadain ultahnya di panti asuhan Kasih Ibu. Jarang-jarang lho bisa berbuat amal ke anak-anak yang kurang beruntung.” Bujuk Rika. Sesaat Karin tertegun. Ia nggak tahu harus berkata apa. Semua prasangka buruknya tentang Mira ternyata salah besar. Dalam hatinya Karin merasa ciut dan amat menyesal. ‘kok bisa-bisanya gue punya pikiran seburuk itu ya?’ “Jadi gimana?” Tanya Mira. “Hmm, gue pertimbangin lagi deh. Nanti gue atur ulang acara gue hari Sabtu.”

“Nah, gitu dong!” Mira dan Rika tersenyum ceria. Kriing…kriing!! Bel masuk berbunyi. “Eh, Rika, Karin, gw duluan ya! Mau ke toilet dulu nih.”

“OK deh.”

“Rika, gw mau ngomong sebentar dong sama lo.”

“Kenapa Rin? Soal aksi bisu lo semingguan ini? Udahlah nggak usah dibahas. Toh kita udah saling bicara lagi sekarang.” Jawab Rika tulus. “Iih, gw mau ngomong dulu nih. Serius! Gw mau minta maaf. Gw akuin deh, gw emang salah. Nyangka yang nggak-nggak sama Mira dan ikut-ikutan sebel sama lo gara-gara kelewat deket sama dia. Abis, gw merasa tersisih sih.” Karin curhat semua perasaannya ke Rika. “Gw bukannya lupa temen lama Rin. Tapi khan kalau gw temenan sama lo, bukan berarti gw nggak boleh temenan sama orang lain. Kuper dong gw nanti. Lagian, tiap gw jalan sama Mira, gw juga ngajak lo Rin. Lo-nya aja yang nggak mau.”

“Iya deh, gw akuin gw salah. Gw kelewat posesif jadi temen. Tapi, gw bersedia kok memperbaiki kesalahan gw. Gw mau, I mean 100 % mau jadi panitia acara ultahnya Mira.”

“Gitu dong Rin. Ini baru sobat gw. Lagian coba deh lo pikir, sobatan bertiga khan bisa tambah rame ketimbang berduaan aja.”

“Apa kata lo aja deh, nenek Rika.”

“Ha…ha…ha…!” kedua sahabat itu tergelak bersama sambil meninggalkan warung bakmie bu Rahmat.


"The Words"

just wanna say.........

smile please..........

ur smile makes my day shinny...............


bila matahari berhenti bersinar....

bila cahaya bulan meredup..........

bila awan tak lagi menaungi langit...

bila bintang tak lagi berbinar........

bila nafasku sudah lagi tiada.........

maka saat itulah............

aku rela................

........untuk berhenti mencintaimu........

Hapus Aku

ketika aku berdiri diantara berdua.....

hendaknya aku terhapus saja.

ketika hadirku halangi pandangan keduanya.....

kiranya aku pupus saja.

bila adaku timbulkan keresahan batinnya....

sosokku goyahkan setianya........

maka hapus aku Tuhan dari antara keduanya.

biarkan kumenghilang dari pandangan dua insan,

dan hendaknya waktu berputar kembali........

ketika aku tak pernah ada diantara mereka.

inspired by Nidji:Hapus aku
is it wrong to like some one..............?
some one that comes not in the right time.....?
or remember some one...that u should forget long time ago..?
why memories hold me too tight and wont let me go ...?
Or maybe I'm the one who won't let it go?
when he left me.......
he carry on half of my heart.
he's the greatest gift i ever accepted from my Lord on my birthday.
and for now until my dying day..............
I'll carry him on inside my mind inside my heart...............
my birthday will never be complete as b4.......
until we meet again someday......
on one sweet day.......................

Kiss-kiss-kiss....smooch :)

- Kiss on the Upperchest: I'm ready.
- Kiss on the Forehead: We're cute together .
- Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.
- Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.
- Kiss on the Neck/Ears: I want you,now.
- Kiss on the Shoulder: Your perfect.
- Kiss on the Lips: I like you a lot.

- Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
- Touching on the Butt: Your fun.
- Holding you tight pressed againts each other: I want you.
- Looking into each other's Eyes: I like you,I love you for who you are.
- Playing with Hair: Let's fool around.Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
- Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you


Tahun-tahun terkasih....
Satu waktu dalam bab kehidupanku, aku bertemu seorang anak laki-laki.

Tidak tahu mengapa....aku sangat menyukainya.
Walau dia tidak pernah tahu apa yang kurasa.

Lalu suatu hari, aku mengetahui kalau dia naksir padaku.
Walau begitu....tidak satupun dari kami saling memberitahukan apa yang kami rasakan satu sama lain.

Karenanya...kisah ini kemudian berlalu hanya sebagai cerita cinta monyet.
Mungkin untuknya begitu....tapi tidak bagiku.
Kisahnya selalu tersimpan jelas dalam benakku.

Sampai suatu saat...kami bertemu kembali. Tidak secara harafiah.
Tapi kami saling bercerita....dan akhirnya satu sama lain tahu perasaan masing-masing.

Sayangnya sekarang ini adalah suatu "kejahatan" untuk mendeklarasikan perasaan itu.
Jadi kami menyimpannya saja dalam keheningan.

Minggu-minggu tersayang......
Kami sudah saling bertukar cerita hampir 1 bulan lamanya.
Tapi mau dibawa kemanakah kisah ini?
Apakah hanya aku yang berusaha bertahan pada sesuatu?
Sesuatu yang disebut masa lalu.......
Haruskah aku melepaskannya, Dear?

Hari-hari yang terkasih.......
Apabila aku dapat meminta 1 hari.
Hanya 1 hari........
Untuk dapat bertemu dengannya langsung.
Akan kuungkapkan apa yang kurasa.

Hanya untuk menghabiskan 1 hari bersamanya....seolah-olah hanya ada kami berdua..mengenang cerita-cerita lama.
Saat-saat ketika kami masih kecil....dengan kisah cinta kanak-kanak kami.

Lalu ketika waktu 1 hari itu sudah habis...
Kamu dapat membangunkan aku kembali ke realita.

Dimana dia masih tidak terlupakan,
Tapi lebih baik hanya untuk dikenang.

Aku berjanji tidak akan mengontaknya lagi.
..karena 1 hari itu adalah akhir dari percakapan kami.

Aku akan memulai bab yang baru.
Aku akan memulai buku yang baru.
Bagiannya telah berakhir.HARUS berakhir......
Tapi aku pasti akan merindukan 1 hari itu.................

Terima kasih tahun-tahun....minggu-minggu....dan hari-hari yang tersayang....
Karena telah mengizinkan aku merasakan perasaan yang berharga ini dari waktu-ke waktu :)

Minggu, 21 November 2010

Tulisan itu sejarah.....menulislah selagi kamu masih bernafas.

Karena ketika nafas itu berakhir....sejarah terus terukir :)

Jumat, 19 November 2010

One Day

Dear Years……

I met a boy once in a chapter of my life.

Do not know why I like him so much.

Even he never knew how I felt about him.

Then one day I knew that he had a crush on me.

Nevertheless, neither the two of us speak loud of what we felt.

Therefore, it has just become a monkey love story.

For him…but never for me.

It lingers clearly in my mind.

Until we meet again…..not literally.

But we talked….then we knew each other feelings.

Unfortunately, it is a crime to declare the feelings nowadays.

So we decide to call it private.

Dear weeks……

We already talked for almost a month.

But where will we take this conversation to?

Is it me that try to hold on to something…..

Something that called “past” ?

Should I let it go dear?

Dear days…….

If I can ask for a day

Just one day.

To see him face to face.

I will tell him what I felt.

Just to spend that one day with him….as if there are only us remembering the old days.

When we were young……….along with our young love.

Then when the 24 end…………………………………..

You can slap me back to reality.

Where he still unforgotten…………………

but best just to be remembered.

I’ll promise never to make contact

...because that one day is the end of our conversation.

I’ll start a new chapter……


I’ll start a new book.

His part is over. Have to be over.

I’ll be longing for that one day though...............

Thank you years…weeks…and days……

For letting me feel the precious feelings through times.

Kamis, 18 November 2010

Room 1502

Dear journal,

This morning I met the man that lives in room 1502.

It's been a while since the last time I saw him.
But today....

If I have the ability that close to Da Vinci to describe him in painting as what in my memory...

Then I will picture him :

Wearing maroon shirt with white T-shirt in it.
Creamy long pants.

With polite & neat look....
a little mustache hanging above his flimsy lips.

Looking at me.....
while I was shocked to saw him standing there.

Then I avoid him..try to hide among the crowd..............................
Don't know why.........................

Just not to see the man in room 1502.

That's all I can explain for this moment...........................................

Rabu, 17 November 2010


Is it wrong to love again somebody that come from your past?

Can I order my clon to love both?

Or I’m too selfish to embrace both?

Senin, 15 November 2010

Let Go

Dear Darling,

Almost 3 years we have separated
Neither emails nor SMS came over.
Just to know each other, from others stories that we both fine in our own line.
But sometimes it’s just the wind telling good stories that makes us feels better in our sleeps.

I heard that you never feel as fine as it told.
Maybe you never really forget what happened between us two.
Is the memory still hanging somewhere in your head?
Is it true that the feelings never really went away from your heart?
Is it me that still linger in your mind?

Dear darling it’s just a matter of time.
It’s in the formula of love life story.
Never really like the Walt Disney kind of story.
We are not among those princes and princesses with happy ending story.

There’s a phase on growing up, including heartache from broken heart.
You’ll find your way to get cure from the pain.
Just let go and let it flow.

Maybe I’m such a pain in your ass.
But that makes you grow one inch more.
And yet I will be just a phase in your life, either it worth to remember or just to get over.
Let go darling and I hope you’ll feel better in the end.

With care and love

(inspired by 500 days of summer)

Selasa, 09 November 2010

My Jacob

Dear My Jacob,

I have searching you for years......
But you seems to disappear and nowhere to be found.

Then...there you are...come out of nowhere...
Just when I found my bond with My Edward.

When you show up.....
You bring the old flower blush on my cheek.

I cannot pass a day without your image circling my brain.
Have I fall for you again when I'm already with the man I want to spend my life with?

If we have the chance...
To see each other face to face......
Just one day......can I be your Bella?
The "Bella" that lives with Jacob in our own world where there's nobody besides us both.
Just for a day......

Then I'll let you go......
Maybe with tears........
But for good.................
Because Bella belongs to Edward though.......

But you will always be My Jacob.....................

Obat Ginjal/ Cuci Darah

DISCLAIMER : Ini adalah pengalaman pribadi. Saya sama sekali bukan ahli medis, maka utk pertanggungjawaban secara klinis saya tidak kompeten...